World History Videos

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Top-secret work took place in top-secret places at this British code-breaking haven during World War II.  Some of the smartest people in the wo...

During the second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902), when the Boers refused to surrender to the Anglos, the British rounded-up thousands of Afrikaners (Boers...

While in Egypt, Napoleons army found the Rosetta Stone, leading to decryption of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Ending his marriage to Josephine, Napoleon married Marie Louise of Austria.

Napoleon Bonaparte and his Grand Army were defeated by a coalition of forces led by Arthur Wellesley (the first Duke of Wellington) and Gebhard von Bl...

Napoleon was a Corsican who became Emperor of France.

Before he was thirty, Napoleon greatly expanded French rule in Europe.

Forced to abdicate, Napoleon was sent to the island of Elba.

This scene is the beginning of Boris Godunov, the famous opera (in Four Acts and a Prologue) by M.

In 1995, Mel Gibson produced, starred and directed a multi-award-winning film called "Braveheart.

Patrick Magee, a member of the IRA, visited the Grand Hotel in Brighton about a month before the Conservative Party held its annual conference there i...

Just before Britain joined the war, in 1939, the government began a mass evacuation of urban children to protect them from German bombs.

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