World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

Churchill proves himself as he leads his country to victory, but is voted out of office in 1940.

Zamp and Phil move to another anonymous prisoner of war camp. Guards are brutal, and meals are poor. Zamp meets a guard he knew from college in the US...

An Italian soldier, Captain Corelli is a fictional mandolin player who falls in love with a Greek woman; Amos Pampaloni is believed to be Corelli's re...

War posters are intended to convince U.S. citizens that they cannot work hard-enough to help out the "boys overseas," so they must do more.

Soldiers on duty at Opana Point see evidence of incoming planes on new radar equipment. It turns-out that the planes are not the expected American pla...

Nuclear energy makes radiation, which can make living things sick or even kill them.

As Eichmann tries to send more and more Jews out of Hungary to Auschwitz, Raoul Wallenberg devises a plan to keep the Jews from being deported.

Working with the Swedish Embassy, in Hungary, Raoul Wallenberg continues with his plan to save Hungarian Jews.

The Japanese have the authority to kill all prisoners and leave no trace.

The Red Tail pilots begin to shoot down superior German bombers.

Although Raoul Wallenberg disappeared without a trace, the world remembers all he did to save many people from certain death at the hands of the Nazis...

Read about Japanese and US soldiers, naval ships, famous WWII places and how the Japanese and US remain allies today.

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