World War II Chapters

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

The movie, U-571, is an American fictionalized account of the Enigma Machine's capture; it angers the British so President Clinton must apologize.

This image depicts the town of Lillehammer, Norway (as it appeared in 2005). Erling Storrusten was living in this town when he was part of Milorg, Nor...

Norways gets LOTS of snow! This picture, taken by SSGT Rodney K. Prouty on the 5th of March in 1982, depicts LEOPARD I battle tanks being used in a NA...

Germans force Jewish families to leave the Warsaw Ghetto on trains to a concentration camp.

Photos taken early in 1944 show evidence of gas chambers before the Nazis try to tear down the buildings and leave.

75 years ago - on 19 Feb 1942 - FDR signs Executive Order 9066 allowing military action against Japanese-American citizens.

After Hitler's suicide, the war in Europe was over. During the final days of the Third Rheich, Nazis continued to harm concentration-camp victims, for...

As Bonhoeffer hanged from the gallows, American troops nearby already threatened the fatal blow to the Third Reich. As bodies burned in the camp's ove...

A description of the final days of the concentration camp, prisoners and the end of the war.

B-29 bombers drop fire bombs and napalm to burn Tokyo; see photographs of the destruction.

German Enigma operators sent their messages, via Morse Code, in groups of five letters. Polish cryptologists were able to intercept and understand the...

After the famous flag-raising, the battle for Iwo Jima continues for 31 more days and several of the flag raisers die in combat.

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