World War II Story Briefs

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

Albert Frederick Arthur George - later known as the Duke of York - was born on the 14th of December, 1895. The date was usually a sad one for the Que...

Klaus Barbie, who headed the Gestapo in Lyon, France (between 1942-1944), is also known as the "Butcher of Lyon.

Kristallnacht begins in Germany on the 9th of November, 1938. What was it and why did it begin?

Eisenhower and his generals (plus their staff members) planned the Normandy invasion over a period of several years.

In this clip, we see Germany's much-feared rockets - the V-2/A-4 - during launch.

During the Nazi era, in Germany, Hitler and his supporters were obsessed with racial identity. The "Lebensborn" program was part of the Third Reich's...

The story of the extraordinary romance between John Basilone and his wife Lena Riggi Basilone.

Louis Zamperini returned to Japan, in the fall of 1950, and had an opportunity to visit with some of his former prison guards.

Louis Zamperini attended a tent meeting featuring Dr.

Lt. General Holland Smith - pictured here, second-from-left and known to the men on Saipan as "Howlin' Mad" - was extremely proud of "my Marines.

Lt. Gwynne Pierson was one of four Tuskegee Airmen who participated in a major attack on a German vessel during the summer of 1944.

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