World War II Story Briefs

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

For a thousand years, or so, birds flying over the Pacific island of Nauru have left their droppings on the island.

In occupied Holland, Dutch churches issued a collective protest against the treatment of the country's Jews.

Learn about redrawing national boundaries.

This map image depicts the location of New Guinea, where Alamo Scouts and 6th Batallion Rangers trained for important missions (like the Cabantuan rai...

German troops, along Normandy's beaches, did their best to resist the Allied invasion. This clip provides a German perspective of D-Day.

Norman Rockwell listened to FDR's annual speech to Congress, in 1941, about "four freedoms" and created four paintings. They became icons of the war y...

On the 6th of January, 1941 - eleven months before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor - President Franklin D.

During the Nazi occupation of Norway, all radios were forbidden. Any Norwegian caught with a radio, or listening to foreign broadcasts, was subject to...

It was during the Nuremberg Trials when the world first realized the shocking extent of atrocities committed at concentration camps, in Europe, during...

On the1st of October, 1946, eleven high-ranking Nazis wereconvicted of war crimesand were sentenced to hang later that month. Scholars still debate w...

Near the salt mines of Berchtesgaden is a mountain retreat called Obersalzberg ("above the salt mountain").

This photograph depicts two Jewish women, in Paris, wearing the yellow Star of David.

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