World War II Story Briefs

With Germany upset about how WWI ended and Japan upset about a lack-of-access to much-needed natural resources, another war sent the world into chaos between 1939-1945. Stories in this collection are about some of those events.

Robert Leckie and other U.S. Marines fight the Japanese during the Battle of Guadalcanal. It is a fearsome time for such young men.

Robert Leckie describes his experience during the battle of Pelelieu

The real U-571 was not the actual U-boat featured in the film, U-571. The real U-571 sank west of Ireland after it was attacked by an RAAF crew operat...

A booklet, written (in German) by Albrecht Frst von Urach, is entitledThe Secret of Japanese Power(in English), who lived in Japan, between 1934-1939 ...

Learn how anonymous people, celebrating peace at the end of World War II and captured in an iconic photograph - were identified years later.

This image depicts the official poster, for the 1940 Summer Olympics, which were scheduled to be held in Tokyo. They were cancelled, due to WWII.

The weapon depicted in this image - a Thompson Submachine Gun - belonged to General George S. Patton, Jr.

This image depicts a victim of atrocities committed against Filipinos by the Japanese military during WWII.

Actual scenes from a battle so intense that a shell blast could shatter every one of a Marines teeth.

The flag-raising at Mt.

As Alan Turing and his Bletchly Park colleagues worked feverishly to break the Enigma code, they caught a break when the Royal Navy captured U-110 on ...

The Nazi war plan for Norway, in April of 1940, includes capturing the Norwegian seaport of Trondheim.

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