Dynamic Directory - February 15, 2025

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100 Decisive Battles from Ancient Times to Now
100 Decisive Battles from Ancient Times to Now

Although historians may disagree that this author has chosen the top 100 battles in the history of the world, the book conveys an unbiased look at important military conflicts which have shaped history.

12 Years a Slave-0. Story Preface
12 Years a Slave-0. Story Preface

In 1841, Solomon Northup (a free black living in Saratoga) is betrayed, sold to a Southern plantation owner and spends 12 years as a slave before he is rescued.

12 Years a Slave-1. Slave Pens in Washington
12 Years a Slave-1. Slave Pens in Washington

Slave pens, in Washington, are near America's Capitol Building and the White House in 1841.

12 Years a Slave-2. Platt’s Journey to Slavery in Louisiana
12 Years a Slave-2. Platt’s Journey to Slavery in Louisiana

With an intermediate stop in Richmond (Virginia), Solomon Northup (now known by his slave-name "Platt") spends time in another slave pen before he boards a ship to New Orleans.

12 Years a Slave-3. Life as a Louisiana Slave
12 Years a Slave-3. Life as a Louisiana Slave

Solomon Northup, known as "Platt," experiences slave life in Louisiana with a "good master" and a "bad master."

12 Years a Slave-4. Life as the Slave of John Tibeats
12 Years a Slave-4. Life as the Slave of John Tibeats

A mortgage, for the life of Solomon Northup ("Platt") ends-up saving him from death at the hands of a cruel slave-owner called John Tibeats.

12 Years a Slave-5. Life as a Slave of Edwin Epps
12 Years a Slave-5. Life as a Slave of Edwin Epps

Edwin Epps is a cruel slave-owner who frequently beats slaves for no reason other than to inflict misery. After John Tibeats, Solomon Northup ("Platt") is owned by Epps

12 Years a Slave-6. The Beating of Patsey, the Slave
12 Years a Slave-6. The Beating of Patsey, the Slave

Edwin Epps orders Platt (Solomon Northup) to beat Patsey, another slave. When Platt defies Epps' wishes, for an even-worse beating, Epps cruelly whips Patsey himself.

12 Years a Slave-7. Platt Meets Bass
12 Years a Slave-7. Platt Meets Bass

While helping to build a home for the Epps family, Platt (Solomon Northup) meets a Canadian man called Bass. That meeting will change Platt's life.

12 Years a Slave-8. Bass Helps Platt (Solomon Northup)
12 Years a Slave-8. Bass Helps Platt (Solomon Northup)

Risking his own life, Bass agrees to write letters for Platt (Solomon Northup), alerting people in the North that he is wrongfully being held as a slave near Marksville, Louisiana.

12 Years a Slave-9. A Plan for Freedom
12 Years a Slave-9. A Plan for Freedom

One of Bass' letters reaches the right people in the North. Henry Northup makes a plan to free Platt (Solomon Northup).

12 Years a Slave-10. Solomon Northup Goes Home
12 Years a Slave-10. Solomon Northup Goes Home

Henry Northup tells Platt (Solomon Northup) to throw down his sack because his "cotton-picking days are over."

12 Years a Slave-11. Not-Guilty Verdicts at Trial
12 Years a Slave-11. Not-Guilty Verdicts at Trial

After his slave ordeal is over, Solomon Northup brings charges against the people who wrongfully sold him into slavery. Because a black person cannot testify against a white, at that time in America, no one is held responsible for his 12 years as a slave.

1896 Duryea
1896 Duryea

The Duryea Brothers produced America's first gasoline-powered automobile which could be built more than one at a time.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-0. Story Preface
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-0. Story Preface

Leonidas, the king of Sparta, leads the Greek army against Xerxes' Persian army but is killed in the fight at Thermopylae. Later, Themistocles defeats Xerxes with superior naval power.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-1. REVENGING MARATHON
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-1. REVENGING MARATHON

Using an early form of democracy, Greek city-states fight to keep their rights.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-2. SPARTA
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-2. SPARTA

Sparta is a Greece city-state which protects itself from enemies with its organized standing army.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-3. LIFE IN SPARTA
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-3. LIFE IN SPARTA

All healthy Spartan boys become soldiers.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-4. LEONIDAS
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-4. LEONIDAS

Leonidas, King of Sparta, prepares to lead a Greek army against Xerxes, King of Persia, and his Immortals.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-5. GORGO
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-5. GORGO

Queen Gorgo, Leonidas' wife, discovers a secret message sent as a warning about the approaching Persian army.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-6. XERXES and the IMMORTALS
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-6. XERXES and the IMMORTALS

Xerxes has an army, the "Immortals," consisting of exactly 10,000 men at all times.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-7. THERMOPYLAE
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-7. THERMOPYLAE

Xerxes chooses to bring his army through Thermopylae, in central Greece, which consists of a narrow pass between the mountains and the sea.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-8. BATTLE at the HOT GATES
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-8. BATTLE at the HOT GATES

Thermopylae is the battleground for a fight where the defending Greek army kills many of Xerxes' invading Persian soldiers.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-9. EPHIALTES - THE TRAITOR
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-9. EPHIALTES - THE TRAITOR

Ephialtes, a Greek traitor, leads Xerxes' army on a secret path around Thermopylae in order to surround and defeat the Greek army.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-10. THEMISTOCLES against XERXES
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-10. THEMISTOCLES against XERXES

It is due to the bravery of Leonidas' 300 that Athens and the rest of Greece continue to fight the Persians.

300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-11. GREEKS DEFEAT the PERSIANS
300 - Thermopylae and Rise of an Empire-11. GREEKS DEFEAT the PERSIANS

Displaying courage and skill, the Greeks (led by Sparta) defeat the Persians (fighting without their ruler, Xerxes).

4000 Miles Below Earth's Crust
4000 Miles Below Earth's Crust

This cutaway drawing depicts how scientists view the composition of Earth's interior.

42 - Jackie Robinson-0. Story Preface
42 - Jackie Robinson-0. Story Preface

On the 15th of April, 1947, Jackie Robinson made history when he broke the color-barrier in major league baseball.

42 - Jackie Robinson-1. JACKIE ROBINSON - EARLY YEARS
42 - Jackie Robinson-1. JACKIE ROBINSON - EARLY YEARS

Jackie Robinson grows up in California where, after youthful troubles, he becomes an expert athlete in football, basketball, baseball and track.

42 - Jackie Robinson-2. JACKIE ROBINSON - WORLD WAR II
42 - Jackie Robinson-2. JACKIE ROBINSON - WORLD WAR II

During World War II there is a policy of racial discrimination in the military, but Lt. Jack Robinson decides to challenge that policy.


Jackie Robinson refuses to leave his seat on a bus and subsequently faces a court martial.

42 - Jackie Robinson-4. COURT MARTIAL of JACKIE ROBINSON
42 - Jackie Robinson-4. COURT MARTIAL of JACKIE ROBINSON

Jackie Robinson faces charges of being disrespectful to investigating officers, rather than refusing to move to the rear of the bus.

42 - Jackie Robinson-5. BASEBALL'S COLOR LINE
42 - Jackie Robinson-5. BASEBALL'S COLOR LINE

Jackie plays for the Kansas City Monarchs; African-American baseball players face discrimination in every town.

42 - Jackie Robinson-6. BRANCH RICKEY MAKES A CHANGE
42 - Jackie Robinson-6. BRANCH RICKEY MAKES A CHANGE

Branch Rickey wants a Black man to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers; he selects Jackie Robinson to become the first Black player in Major League baseball.

42 - Jackie Robinson-7. BREAKING the COLOR LINE
42 - Jackie Robinson-7. BREAKING the COLOR LINE

In 1946, Jackie Robinson agrees not to fight the discrimination he will face as the first Black baseball player; he earns his team's respect.

42 - Jackie Robinson-8. CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER
42 - Jackie Robinson-8. CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER

Jackie Robinson is politically independent but fights for civil rights.

54th Massachusetts Attacks Ft. Wagner
54th Massachusetts Attacks Ft. Wagner

Fort Wagner was the garrison protecting the port of Charleston, South Carolina, at the beginning of America's Civil War.

Aaron Burr and the Deadly Duel
Aaron Burr and the Deadly Duel

Aaron Burr became America's third Vice President in 1800. He has an interesting history, but not all of it is pleasant!

Abduction of Helen - Guido Reni-0. Story Preface
Abduction of Helen - Guido Reni-0. Story Preface

Guido Reni created a painting—The Abduction of Helen—in 1631. There is more to this painting than meets the eye of today’s beholders.

Abduction of Helen - Guido Reni-1. THE TROJAN WAR
Abduction of Helen - Guido Reni-1. THE TROJAN WAR

Menelaus talks his brother, Agamemnon, into helping him get his wife back. The Greeks set sail with 1,000 ships and believe that they will win the war.

A Beautiful Mind-0. Story Preface
A Beautiful Mind-0. Story Preface

John Nash, a Nobel-Prize-winning genius who suffered from schizophrenia, died in a tragic car crash on May 23, 2015. He was portrayed by Russell Crowe in the film, "A Beautiful Mind.".


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which affects more than two million Americans each year.


People with schizophrenia have decreased brain activity.

A Beautiful Mind-3. THE WORLD OF JOHN NASH
A Beautiful Mind-3. THE WORLD OF JOHN NASH

With a full scholarship, Nash attends Princeton and is surrounded by other geniuses.

A Beautiful Mind-4. A GENIUS AT WORK
A Beautiful Mind-4. A GENIUS AT WORK

John Nash is a recognized genius while studying at Princeton and teaching at M.I.T (as C.L.E. Moore Instructor).


John Nash begins hearing voices in his head and seeks help at McLean Hospital.

A Beautiful Mind-6. ALL OVER FOR HIM?
A Beautiful Mind-6. ALL OVER FOR HIM?

While suffering from a mental disorder, John Nash has periods of time where he does amazing work.

A Beautiful Mind-7. A LIFE RECOVERED
A Beautiful Mind-7. A LIFE RECOVERED

By his own measure, Dr. Nash has recovered from schizophrenia.

A Beautiful Mind-8. ABEL PRIZE and the DEATH of JOHN NASH
A Beautiful Mind-8. ABEL PRIZE and the DEATH of JOHN NASH

After receiving the prestigious Abel Prize in Norway, Professor John Nash was killed in an accident while riding in a cab en route home from the airport. Alicia Nash was also killed in the accident.

Abe Lincoln and Knob Creek Farm
Abe Lincoln and Knob Creek Farm

Abe Lincoln lived at Knob Creek Farm, in Hodgenville, Kentucky, until he was nearly eight years old.

Abe Lincoln with His Son Tad
Abe Lincoln with His Son Tad

In 1863, President Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November would be Thanksgiving Day. He issued a turkey reprieve - which we would call a pardon - the next month in light of his son Tad's request. Lincoln became extremely close to his son Tad after the death of his older son, Willie, in 1862.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams, in many ways, was a woman ahead of her time. When her husband, John, served as America's 2nd president, critics referred to Abigail as "Mrs. President."

Abolishing the Slave Trade - William Wilberforce-0. Story Preface
Abolishing the Slave Trade - William Wilberforce-0. Story Preface

After trying, for nearly two decades, to abolish the slave trade, William Wilberforce finally convinces Parliament to do the right thing on February 23, 1807.

Abolishing the Slave Trade - William Wilberforce-1. AMAZING GRACE
Abolishing the Slave Trade - William Wilberforce-1. AMAZING GRACE

John Newton wrote the hymn "Amazing Grace" years after a dangerous sea voyage.

Abolishing the Slave Trade - William Wilberforce-2. SLAVE TRADE ABOLISHED - FEBRUARY 23, 1807
Abolishing the Slave Trade - William Wilberforce-2. SLAVE TRADE ABOLISHED - FEBRUARY 23, 1807

For 18 years, William Wilberforce pleads with Members of the House of Commons that Parliament must abolish the slave-trade. On February 23, 1807, Parliament finally agrees.

Abolition - A Picture of Slavery for Youth
Abolition - A Picture of Slavery for Youth

Abolitionists who wanted children to understand America's system of chattel slavery wrote books to communicate their message. One example is "A Picture of Slavery for Youth."

About Slavery
About Slavery

A closer look at Phillis Wheatley and why she wrote the famous poem "About Slavery."

About Us-0. Story Preface
About Us-0. Story Preface

Learn about our founder Carole D. Bos, her vision, her mission and our community that continues to expand, improve and flourish.

About Us-1. AwesomeStories Breakthrough in Learning
About Us-1. AwesomeStories Breakthrough in Learning

The AwesomeStories learning solution is described by Deborah Bond-Upson, Chief Education & Strategy Officer.

About Us-2. Bridging Stories to Learning
About Us-2. Bridging Stories to Learning

About Us-3. AwesomeStories Leadership
About Us-3. AwesomeStories Leadership

How AwesomeStories has grown into a teaching and learning solution. A MakerSpace for the Humanities!

Abraham Lincoln-0. Story Preface
Abraham Lincoln-0. Story Preface

Abraham Lincoln is known, among other things, as "The Compassionate President."

Abraham Lincoln-1. The Young Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-1. The Young Lincoln

When Abe Lincoln was a young boy of seven, he nearly drowned in Knob Creek.

Abraham Lincoln-2. Growing Up Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-2. Growing Up Lincoln

When Abe Lincoln was eight years old, he moved with his family to a settlement in Indiana. It was there that he lost his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, when he was nine.

Abraham Lincoln-3. A New Beginning for Abe Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-3. A New Beginning for Abe Lincoln

After he turned 21, Abraham Lincoln left his family home to make his own way in the world.

Abraham Lincoln-4. Lincoln in Love
Abraham Lincoln-4. Lincoln in Love

Abraham Lincoln is known as one of America's greatest presidents, but what do we know about his "love life?"

Abraham Lincoln-5. Lincoln Lawyer & Legislator
Abraham Lincoln-5. Lincoln Lawyer & Legislator

While a legislator for the state of Illinois, Abe Lincoln also studied law and passed the bar exam.

Abraham Lincoln-6. Mary Todd Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-6. Mary Todd Lincoln

Abraham Marries

Abraham Lincoln-7. Lincoln in Washington
Abraham Lincoln-7. Lincoln in Washington

Abe Lincoln was elected to Congress and, in 1847, he and his family moved to Washington City (as America's capital was then known).

Abraham Lincoln-8. Lincoln and Slavery
Abraham Lincoln-8. Lincoln and Slavery

Abraham Lincoln realizes that slavery is pulling apart the Union of American States and recognizes the country cannot hold together with such deeply divisive attitudes.

Abraham Lincoln-9. The Civil War
Abraham Lincoln-9. The Civil War

When Abraham Lincoln becomes America's 16th President, Southerners viewed the event as a showdown. South Carolina became the first state to leave the Union of States.

Abraham Lincoln-10. The Aftermath of Lincoln's Presidency
Abraham Lincoln-10. The Aftermath of Lincoln's Presidency

Calling for Americans to "bind up the nation's wounds," Lincoln has hopes for a reunited America. Soon after his second inaugural, however, Lincoln dies at the hands of an assassin.

Abraham Lincoln and His Tousled Hair
Abraham Lincoln and His Tousled Hair

When Abraham Lincoln did not like the way a photographer had smoothed his hair, the future President ran his fingers through it - just before the picture was taken - giving himself (and his hair) a hipper look (by today's standards).

Abraham Lincoln - Humble Beginnings
Abraham Lincoln - Humble Beginnings

Born on the 12th of February, in 1809, Abraham Lincoln was America's 16th president. For many people, this man with humble beginnings was the greatest U.S. president. Learn more about him.

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