
The voice of creators, or subjects of stories, come to us through audio files of radio interviews, speeches and personal recordings.

Dostoevsky worked on Notes from Underground in 1863.

How does a city, hosting the modern Olympics, do something special for their games?  The people of Beijing produced opening and c...

Scholars believe the famous poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) - which he called "Ozymandias" - was inspired by a statue of the young Ramesses I...

During America's Civil War, one of the country's most-famous writers penned a poem about ... the Revolutionary War.

During America's Civil War, one of the country's most-famous writers penned a poem about ... the Revolutionary War.

Alvar Liddell, a BBC reporter on the day of the Pearl Harbor attack, told the world what had happened.

A news report during the attack, broadcast by a reporter for KGU in Honolulu, reports that "this battle has been going on for nearly three hours.

The attack by Japan was "unprovoked" and "dastardly," to use President Roosevelt's words.

Americans were shocked to learn about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Carole Bos, founder and Chief Creative Officer at AwesomeStories provides background about the site and its mission.

Denny Smith - from WIBC ("Indy's News Center," at 93.

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