
The voice of creators, or subjects of stories, come to us through audio files of radio interviews, speeches and personal recordings.

On its mission to the Moon, Apollo 13 encountered a near-fatal situation.

Combining many different clips from the horror-filled day of November 22, 1963, Mike Swickey created this radio documentary about President Kennedy'...

Not knowing whether there was a conspiracy behind the death of President Kennedy, officials initially delayed the formal announcement of his death.

Helen visited the Perkins Institute for the Blind in May of 1888.

Have a listen as Charles Dickens begins his famous story with these words: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

As the action begins, in Dickens' famous tale, the Dover mail coach is making its way on a Friday night.

Jerry Cruncher, the messenger, is bothered by the direction he's received from Jarvis Lorry: "Jerry, say that my answer was, RECALLED TO LIFE.

After Jarvis Lorry reaches Dover, he awaits the arrival of another traveler from London - Miss Manette.

Orson Welles and Martin Gabel star in this Mercury Theatre on the Air production of Charles Dicken's novel, A Tale of Two Cities.

During the summer of 1886, Helen and her parents visited a famous Baltimore physician.

In this video, founder Carole Bos shows how the evidence-based stories work.

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