
The voice of creators, or subjects of stories, come to us through audio files of radio interviews, speeches and personal recordings.

Charlotte Bront once served as a governess at Stone Grappe Hall.

In Chapter III, of Jane Eyre, Mr.

Reporters were unsure of the President's condition at Parkland Hospital as they tried to keep the public informed of events.

On the evening of October 22, 1962, President Kennedy shocked the country when he reported the Soviet Union was installing ballistic missiles in Cuba.

CBS IS THERE (later, YOU ARE THERE) was an "old-time radio" program where CBS "reporters" and "correspondents" dramatized important historical events ...

Orson Welles adopted Shakespeare's famous play - Julius Caesar - for the stage in 1937.

Thomas ("Daddy") Rice created a character ("Jim Crow") which he incorporated into his popular minstrel show.

Helen Keller never enjoyed math, and she found learning algebra and geometry particularly hard.

Once she recognized things and actions had names, Helen needed to comprehend abstract subjects.

In her early days of learning, Anne and Helen worked outside.

Lehua, a young noble Hawaiian comes of age, the preface.

Les Miserables is a massive novel, by Victor Hugo, perennially considered one of the world's best books.

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