
Throughout time, evidence and explication of stories is often best-gained by viewing original documents.

Stephen F. Austin:  Empresario of Texas, by Gregg Cantrell, is the first full-length biography of the "Father of Texas" in more than seventy year...

The follow excerpts from John Brown's Body—a 15,000-line epic Civil-War poem by Stephen Vincent Benet, published in 1928—tell the story of...

In 1858, an enslaved woman named Ann Maria Jackson and her seven children (ranging in age from three or four to sixteen) were about to be sold at a pu...

This now-declassified cable from the Secretary of War (Henry Stimson) to President Harry Truman (who was attending the Potsdam Conference in Germany) ...

This image depicts the text from NATURE, written by J. Rand Capron in 1880.  He relates his findings following an investigation into "circular sp...

This guide shows how to create stories from the student dashboard

This guide shows how to create stories from the teacher dashboard

Page from the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano (also known as "Gustavus Vassa, The African").  This page tells the story of what it was like to s...

A page from Olaudah Equiano's book, telling the story of how he and his sister were both kidnapped from their village. Click on the image for a bette...

Student work: Brandy H

Student work: Lilian K

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