Learning Tasks

Developed by master teachers, based on standards, tasks for students are provided for each story for quick engagement with the stories on a deeper, reflective, critical-thinking level.

Think about the story. Ceate a statistical question that anticipates variability in the data related to the question. For example, "How long does it t...

Students will watch the video and then answer this question: Is it possible or not possible that Thai elephants-as well as other animals in the world-...

Answer the following question--could "The Hunger Games" - during which 24 young people are ordered to kill each other until only one survives - ever e...

Read the article with a partner and write out in T-chart or a similar graphic organizer the facts and opinions. Write an 300 word essay describing the...

Read the entire chapter or brief. Choose one fact, one reasoned judgement based on research findings, and one speculation from the text. Write a parag...

Read the entire chapter or brief and choose one fact, one opinion, and one reasoned judgement from the text. Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) listing...

From this story, examine an account of the same subject from two different sources provided in the text or the media assets (use the "MediaStream" on ...

After reading the text, analyze the story for the elements of irony, satire, sarcasm, or understatement. Identify any of these elements. Write an essa...

Analyze the text, paying especial attention to the various points of view of the characters in the story. In a 3 paragraph essay describe how an autho...

When reading the story, look for mention of a three-dimensional object, such as a building, planet, rocket cylinder, etc. With that object in mind, dr...

The author devotes two chapters of this story to explaining the cause of the tsunami of December 26 . Why do you suppose she does this? Analyze the au...

Read the text and view all images linked in the Media Stream, paying special attention to the videos describing the cause of the the Banda Aceh Quake....

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