Learning Tasks

Developed by master teachers, based on standards, tasks for students are provided for each story for quick engagement with the stories on a deeper, reflective, critical-thinking level.

Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph explaining how to identify supporting evidence used in the text to support facts.

Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph explaining how to identify supporting evidence used in the text to support facts.

Write a 7-9 sentence paragraph explaining how to identify supporting evidence used in the text to support facts.

Read the text and determine the argument the author is presenting. How did the author support his/her argument by using evidence from the text? Write ...

Read the text and determine the argument the author is presenting. How did the author support his/her argument by using evidence from the text? Write ...

Read the text and determine the argument the author is presenting. How did the author support his/her argument by using evidence from the text? Write7...

Write a five paragraph essay evaluating the arguments presented in the reading- choosing either pro or con side of the argument. Write an opening para...

View artwork created inspired by the Spanish Flu Pandemic. Observe how the artist depicts the impact of the disease on its victims and compare to the ...

Read the personal account of the epidemic by Isaac Starr, MD. Comparing it with the AS story, choose at least 3 key words from each that serve to demo...

Click on each of the links in the text; select one image to analyze. Analyze the image: describe what you think the artist/creator is telling his audi...

Read the Awesome Story behind the movie Jurassic Park and follow all the provided links within the story. Write/type a short essay (at least 10 senten...

Read the Awesome Story about The Perfect Storm and follow all the provided links within the story. Write/type a short essay (at least 10 sentences) ex...

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