Learning Tasks

Developed by master teachers, based on standards, tasks for students are provided for each story for quick engagement with the stories on a deeper, reflective, critical-thinking level.

Nazi Germany is a totalitarian government that seeks to control all European countries. Write/type a short essay (20 sentences) explaining what a tota...

The Tsar and his family were murdered without a trial to prove their guilt of any crime. The people who killed the family had reasons, what were they?...

Explain what the 'clear and present danger test' is and how it guides a citizen to know if speech is acceptable or not. Analyze whether the Schenck ca...

Read all of the chapters of the story. Take notes as you read, placing emphasis on the quotes, main points, and characters. Compile a list what you ar...

Write a timeline of ten facts and dates/time for the Titanic disaster.

Read the Awesome Story titled St. Patrick of St. Patrick's Day and follow all the provided links within the story. This Awesome Story states "One thin...

Caddie Bagger Vance is a fictionalized version of the supreme Hindu god, Bhagavan, and golfer Rannulph Junah is a version of Arjuna. write a short ess...

Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing relevance and sufficiency of evidence.  Both Britian and the United Stat...

Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing relevance and sufficiency of evidence. Attila the Hun is considered one of th...

Puritans left England to escape religious persecution, but people living in the Massachusetts Bay Colony never really attained the freedom they were s...

Watch the two videos about Armistice Day. Determine the central idea of the videos. Analyze how the videographer/writer supports the central idea thro...

Trace and evalute the author's claims about totalitarian governments in Chapter 7 by examining all the links in Chater 1. Determine whether the author...

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