
Background of The Underground Railroad

Ohio was a very important State for escaping slaves. It is the place where Tice Davids made his way across the Ohio River ... then disappeared from his “master’s” view.

Tice didn’t really “disappear,” of course. He was helped by people in Ripley, Ohio who were part of the underground railroad.

This embedded video, from “Our Ohio”—Show 106, released in 2006 and hosted by Doug High—provides some interesting background about the time when African-Americans crossed the river from Kentucky (then a “slave state”) to Ohio (then a “free state”). The clip includes a visit to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center where we can see a still-intact slave dwelling.

Media Credits

Embedded clip, from Our Ohio's channel on YouTube.


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"Background of The Underground Railroad" AwesomeStories.com. Nov 28, 2019. Mar 14, 2025.
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