Member Stories Chapters

Stories submitted by AwesomeStories members using the StoryMaker App.

How, and why, did Harriet Tubman help the Union Army during the American Civil War?

Hawaiian ali'i (noble) ohana (families) traced their origins back to great leaders from the mythic past.  And those connections were made th...

Susan believed in Ada and thought she was smart.

Chapter 3 of How the Game of Monopoly Saved Over 10,000 Soldiers

Bartow, Florida

Chapter 3

These quotes provide insight into Horace Mann and his philosophy of education and life.

A review of Horace Mann, his family and his decision to leave politics and the founding of Antioch College - a college open to all.

Chapter 4 of How the Game of Monopoly Saved Over 10,000 Soldiers

This table explains what education was like before and after Mann made his contributions to the American public-school system.

Chapter 1 of Mother Teresa: Caring for the Poor

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