Member Stories Chapters

Stories submitted by AwesomeStories members using the StoryMaker App.

The weaving of the culure of South Carolina was due to a human mosaic blending of people. Indicator 8-1.4

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

Ali’i - The Hawaiian noble order. Aloha - The word of greeting, departure and general affection in between. Hale - Grass house....

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.4 Summarize the policies and actions of South Carolina's political leadership implementing discriminatory laws tha...

When Abe Lincoln was eight years old, he moved with his family to a settlement in Indiana. It was there that he lost his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, ...

Describes how we honor the memory of Harriet Tubman and what she accomplished.

Harriet Tubman's childhood

Harriet Tubman decides she must try to find freedom by escaping slavery.

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