African American History Chapters

Descendants of African-Americans who began their lives in America as kidnapped slaves were then deprived of civil rights by "Jim Crow" laws. Leaders inspired others to overcome racial prejudice and legal obstacles. These stories highlight the ups and downs of black history.

Those who help runaway slaves obtain freedom are punished.

The Navy has a long history of racial discrimination so Brashear does menial tasks and has little hope of advancement.

American slaves rarely fight for their freedom.

The Red Tail pilots begin to shoot down superior German bombers.

Brashear is one of only seven enlisted men with oral histories profiled by the U.S. Naval Institute.

Bobby expresses his political policy in speeches - do right even when it is not popular.

A new case declares that the Supreme Court decision about busing discriminates against non-black children; the law changes once more.

Not long after the Kent State tragedy, the Supreme Court orders schools to integrate immediately.

In 1965 millions of black Americans in the south still could not vote.

Sengbe raises money so that 35 of 53 Amistad captives can return to their homeland.

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