African American History Chapters

Descendants of African-Americans who began their lives in America as kidnapped slaves were then deprived of civil rights by "Jim Crow" laws. Leaders inspired others to overcome racial prejudice and legal obstacles. These stories highlight the ups and downs of black history.

8-3.2 The role of SC in the Constitutional Convention including the Three-Fifths Compromise and Commerce Compromise

After his slave ordeal is over, Solomon Northup brings charges against the people who wrongfully sold him into slavery. Because a black person cannot ...

Olaudah Equiano was one of the first African slaves to live through slavery and then write about it.

Involved in an accident while retrieving an underwater bomb, Brashear injures his leg and must have it amputated.

Olaudah Equiano writes of his own experiences as an African child kidnapped into slavery.

African-American slaves are bought and sold like animals in the country's system of chattel slavery.

Charley Williams shares his life story about what it was like to live as a slave on a plantation.

While helping to build a home for the Epps family, Platt (Solomon Northup) meets a Canadian man called Bass. That meeting will change Platt's life.

With an intermediate stop in Richmond (Virginia), Solomon Northup (now known by his slave-name "Platt") spends time in another slave pen before he boa...

Benjamin Banneker proves himself a genius, yet slavery continues even after it is illegal.

Black men had to fight hard for the right to die for their country.

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