African American History Chapters

Descendants of African-Americans who began their lives in America as kidnapped slaves were then deprived of civil rights by "Jim Crow" laws. Leaders inspired others to overcome racial prejudice and legal obstacles. These stories highlight the ups and downs of black history.

In 1957, nine black students, referred to as "The Little Rock Nine," are the first to attend an all-white school.

African Americans and their allies demonstrate in the nation's capitol

Wilberforce works to end the slave trade after trying to improve conditions for Britain's working poor.

In June 1970, Brashear becomes the first black Master Diver, which is the highest position in the diving community.

A white man fatally shoots Medgar Evers because he works for the NAACP and is trying to gain equal rights for blacks.

Learn more about eleven of the Red Tail pilots.

Later testimony shows the horrific conditions on board the slave ships where many slaves died.

The US military segregates black troops from white troops.

African American citizens challenge segregated city buses

Slave trading continues in British Colonies and in the American South, even after Parliament abolishes the slave trade.

South Carolina used their natural resources to trade with other nations to become wealthy Indicator 8-1.5

Fisher begins to write poetry while he is in the Navy.

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