American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Benedict Arnold gains control of West Point for the wrong reasons.

"Plan BODYGUARD" serves to provide false information to the Germans, leading to Hitler's final days.

Before it issued the flyer, PG&E met with the people of Hinkley on April 25, 1988.   During the meeting, defendant (PG&E) told citize...

President Truman makes a decision to use America's atomic weapons to bomb Japan.

See Jefferson's original Declaration, including an indictment of slavery which Congress deleted to secure the vote.

Women rally for the Declaration of Sentiments, which declares women and men equal.

On December 8, 1941, following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt declares war.

John Nash begins hearing voices in his head and seeks help at McLean Hospital.

King Kong was released during the Great Depression - a desperate time with high job loss, people losing their homes and little available food.

Before John Wilkes Booth plans an assassination, he plans a kidnapping of President Lincoln.

Dickie's winning career loses to crack cocaine.

After his parole from prison, Leopold spends the remainder of his life teaching and helping others in Puerto Rico.

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