American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Loeb's cellmate kills him and is later acquitted at trial.

Allied troops land on the beaches of Normandy amid heavy damages, hoping to free the capital of France.

In 1933, Dillinger meets and starts a relationship with 25-year-old Billie Frechette.

Curious to see "Public Enemy Number One," people go to view Dillinger's body while at the morgue.

Anna Sage, a Romanian immigrant, offers information on Dillinger to the FBI in exchange for their help in preventing her deportation.

Depression-era Americans are against banks, so many regard Dillinger as a hero until he starts killing people.

MacArthur and Manuel Quezon, president of the Philippines, warn Roosevelt the end is near and ask for withdrawal of US troops.

Three people die at the Little Bohemia resort when the FBI fails to capture Dillinger and his gang.

Political cartoons make fun of public policies and politics.

Doolittle and his Tokyo Raiders prove that Japan can be attacked; however, two US planes crash and Japanese soldiers capture the pilots.

African-American Dorie Miller works in the West Virgina's galley, but when the bombs fall, he assists the ship's captain, fires a machine gun and earn...

The Douglass family moves to Washington, D.C. in 1870 and buys the Cedar Hill estate, breaking the neighborhood's "whites only" rule.

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