American History Chapters

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

To declare the American colonies' independence from Great Britain, Thomas Jefferson prepares a first draft of the Declaration of Independence for the ...

Before the American Colonies had a federal system of government, people disagreed about many things. One thing most members of Congress agreed about, ...

Days before his murder, President Lincoln recounts a dream he had about his own assassination.

See pictures of baseball and its players from the second half of the 19th century.

Thomas Jefferson begins practicing law at age 24.

Benedict Arnold is a militia captain who seeks too much glory and too much reimbursement.

Susan is from a Quaker family that believes men and women had equal standing before God.

Roger Boisjoly, a Morton Thiokol engineer, and others at NASA knew of a potential problem with Challenger's January 1986 launch.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.2 Describe the economic impact of Reconstruction on South Carolina in each of the various social classes

Lawmakers begin to protect working children in the early 1900s with age limits.

Elizabeth Packard participates in an open-study Bible class where the teacher encourages many points of view.

Her father sends Packard to an insane asylum in Massachusetts when she is 23.

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