American History Documents

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

President Truman responded to Henry Stimson's message of July 30, 1945 by writing on the reverse side of that cable.  This is the only written, p...

This document depicts the second page of President Truman's 6 August 1945 press release regarding America's use of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. He...

This map depicts the location of Tuscumbia, Alabama - the town in which Helen Keller was born.

The Commission of Ulysses S. Grant as Lieutenant General of the United States Army, signed by Abraham Lincoln.

This illustration - from the 1852 title page of Uncle Tom's Cabin - is by Hammatt Billings.  It depicts the characters Chloe, Mose, Pete, Baby an...

This image depicts Union soldiers bridging the Osage River for General Fremont. Click on it to expand the view. In the Harper's Weekly issue of Novem...

Amendment XIII to the U.S. Constitution - Slavery Abolished as a Legal Institution in AmericaSection 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, e...

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides equal protection under the law. It makes former slaves U.S. citizens and also provides due proces...

The 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted African-American men—including former slaves who had become U.S. citizens via the 14th Amend...

When Congress passed a resolution giving African-American men the right to vote, via the 15th Amendment, suffragists were extremely upset that the wor...

The part of America's Constitution which addresses the federal judiciary is located in "Article III."  That is why federal trial-court judges - s...

The "Committee of Detail," headed by Edmund Randolph, worked in secret as they pulled-together the ideas of delegates attending America's Constitution...

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