American History Documents

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

This layout depicts the location of various ships at the U.S. Naval Base, Pearl Harbor, before war broke out in December of 1941. Click on the drawin...

Image of a propaganda poster published by the Food Administration, signed by Herbert Hoover.

Prior to his election as President of the United States, Herbert Hoover was the U.S. Food Administrator.  Selected by President Wilson for ...

This September 11, 1963 memo discusses the impact of U.S. aid to South Vietnam: Subject:   Implication of Total or Partial Cessation of U...

The Kennedy Administration had sent "advisers" to Vietnam.  U.S. military people were "in country" to discuss things, not to take actions against...

This top-secret, now-declassified document - written by Lyman Lemnitzer (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) on 10 April 1962 - urges the Kennedy A...

This image depicts the second page of a top-secret, now-declassified document - written by Lyman Lemnitzer (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) on ...

  Image of the "Public Opinion Report: Regarding the Treaty of Versailles Armistice."  This document reveals the attitudes of the Amer...

This image depicts a document - written on the 10th of September, 1963 - setting forth a proposed U.S. government policy regarding developing issues i...

Image of George Mason's handwritten Declaration of Rights which he drafted in May, 1776.

On the 23rd of October, 1915, the Cleveland Advocate ran this political advertisement.  It urges people to vote "NO" on the "Prohibition Amendmen...

Image of the letter sent to Walter Hagen form O.B. Keeler of the Atlanta Journal. Click of the image for a better view.

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