American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

As Japanese forces continued their final assault on Corregidor, an American corporal named Irving Strobing was sending messages from deep inside a tun...

Among other items in President Lincoln's pockets, the night he was assassinated, was a Confederate 5-Dollar Bill.

Segregation and discrimination was an American fact of life even during the Kennedy Administration. Herb Block create a political cartoon based on a r...

Captain Cecil W. Stoughton took a series of 21 photographs during President Johnson's swearing-in on October 22, 1963.

Jackie Kennedy looked radiant on the morning of November 22, 1963.

Pee Wee Reese changed the way black baseball players were viewed by fans by befriending Jackie Robinson.

Before baseball, Jackie Robinson was a standout basketball player.

Before baseball, Jackie Robinson was a standout basketball player. At UCLA, Jackie Robinson was also an incredible football player.

At Pasadena Junior College, Jackie Robinson is able to help his team win a baseball game and a track meet on the same day.

A symbol for the civil rights movement, Jackie Robinson voiced his opinion to the White House.

Jackie Robinson's ability to positively influence the men in his unit so impressed his superior officer that he is designated the "morale officer" of ...

Lt. Col. Paul Bates, commanding officer of the 761st Tank Battalion, was impressed with Lt. Jack Robinson's influence over the men in his unit, so he ...

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