American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

As police officers were transferring Oswald to another jail, Jack Ruby (a local Dallas businessman) was among the watching crowd. This image depicts R...

Jack Swigert, seen here at breakfast on launch-day morning - the 11th of April, 1970 - had replaced Ken Mattingly as Command Module Pilot three days b...

James Benjamin Parker saw Leon Czolgosz approach President McKinley with a handkerchief in his hand. He then sprang into action.

When he was 32 years old, James Madison (then a member of the Continental Congress) fell in love with the daughter of a colleague.

James Meredith wants to become the first African-American to enroll at Ole Miss, but segregationists have other ideas. Thus begins a battle between ci...

In February of 1761, James Otis opposed taxation laws imposed on the American Colonies by the British Parliament.

Before the Pearl Harbor bombing, Japanese-Americans lived and worked on Terminal Island. After the bombing, their homes were destroyed and their way o...

While a group of battle-hardened Japanese soldiers fought against Filipino-and-American soldiers in The Philippines, during the first part of 1942, ot...

Six aircraft carriers ferried 423 Japanese planes to attack Pearl Harbor. Some of the planes were equipped with B5N2 torpedoes whose pilots flew in a ...

Japanese interrogators - like James Sasaki - followed specific guidelines for questioning Allied aviators. This political cartoon depicts such an inte...

After American and Filipino forces on the island of Bataan surrendered, Japanese-controlled media published the news.

Jefferson Davis - President of The Confederate States of America - first took office as a provisional leader. He was elected to the position on Novemb...

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