American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Born in 1731, Martha Dandrige came from a family of considerable wealth who lived in New Kent County, Virginia.

Experts on the life and times of Thomas Jefferson - at Monticello - tell us that no known drawings, images, portraits or any other illustrations of Ma...

Dr. King gives his powerful, transforming ''I Have a Dream'' speech at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963.

On April 3, 1968 - while in Memphis supporting sanitation workers - MLK gave a moving speech. It was his last.

Lafayette Baker, whose investigation led to the arrest of the conspiracy defendants - and to the capture of Booth - provides details about the last da...

A real-life MASH unit, in Korea, gives rise to a popular CBS television show called M*A*S*H.

Harper's Weekly reported the massacre at Lawrence, Kansas (which took place on August 21, 1863) in its September 5th issue.

Did people around the world know what the Nazis were doing in Poland before the end of the war? In 1942, the Polish government-in-exile sent a pamphle...

Six days after the United States elected Abraham Lincoln to serve as America''s 16th President, South Carolina held a meeting to endorse a call from t...

Why is Maui the "magic island?" A charming folklore story tells us about Maui, the demigod, who created the Hawaiian Islands.

Max Schmelling was a German boxer who had great success in the ring. He also helped Jewish people who were threatened by Nazi policies.

Historians believe this document - The Mayflower Compact - is the first self-governing agreement which Europeans made after reaching the shores of the...

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