American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

This Union Flag (consisting of the crosses of St George and St Andrew) was first used in 1606. It signifies the Union of Scotland and Britain (when J...

By the 27th of April, the Deepwater Horizon plume was moving toward the coastline of Louisiana.

On the fourth Monday of May, Americans honor those who have died for their country. Hear a bugler playing "Taps," and learn about the history of this ...

Meningitis occurs when the meninges (the membrane linings of the brain and spinal cord) become inflamed.

This Welsh song, from the 18th century, remains popular. This stirring rendition is by the Royal Regiment of Wales' Band.

The rifle featured in this video clip, from the National Firearms Museum, is a Girandoni System Austrian Repeating Air Rifle.

Image of a drawing, created by Lt.

Meyer Lansky, according to people who knew him, built his "business" on his word.

When he was arrested for illegal gambling, Meyer Lansky did not want to testify against his friends.

The Japanese Navy used Type A Midget Submarines in their attack on Pearl Harbor. This cutaway drawing illustrates the midget sub.

This image depicts one of Dorothea Lange's most-famous photographs. The subject is Florence Owens Thompson; the picture was taken in February or March...

Working on Deepwater Horizon, Mike Williams had to jump approximately ten stories from the rig to save his life.

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