American History Story Briefs

America - still a young country by world standards - began as an experiment in self-government. This collection includes stories of America's people as they follow a path of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Miles (Myles) Standish was a British military man who was born in Lancashire around 1584. He assisted the Pilgrims.

Minoru Genda was the Japanese officer who planned the Pearl Harbor attack. He was later given America's highest honor awarded to foreigners.

Minoru Yashui was the first of three Japanese-Americans to challenge the U.S. federal government for violating the civil rights of Japanese-Americans ...

An astonishing true story about an ice-jammed British ship whose planks were transformed into the U.S. President's desk.

What does the Central Gulf of Mexico look like, from a geological perspective?

The Mississippi Canyon, a geological formation in the Gulf of Mexico, is located in an area which is part of the territorial waters of the United Stat...

Margaret Utinsky referred to her underground network, which helped prisoners of war at Cabanatuan, as Miss "U.

The president himself designed the landscaped grounds where thirteen trees, from his lifetime, still survive.

George Washington inherited property on the Potomac River, called Mount Vernon, learn more about the development of the property.

Less than two months after her husband was killed, Mrs.

After the fatal shot was fired at her husband, Mrs. Kennedy suddenly moves to the trunk of JFK's car. What was she attempting to do?

Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin at the Mulberry Grove Plantation. The gin makes growing cotton much easier, on southern plantations, directly leadi...

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