Aviation & Space Exploration Chapters

From ancient to modern times, people have studied "the heavens" and wondered "what's out there?" Technology helps us to take a closer look. Meet the pioneers of space and aviation in this collection of stories.

The debris is foam insulation that possibly damages the Columbia's left wheel well.

Germany protests that neutral America allows pilots to fly in combat for France; the squadron's name changes to Lafayette Escadrille.

The last recorded, publicly released words from the Challenger are "Uh-oh."

After Somalia, US soldiers receive better training. See photos and stories about the soldiers who fought and died in Somalia.

A design flaw in America's Supersonic Transport Shuttle results in NASA's fatal 25th mission in 1986, as the shuttle explodes killing its crew.

Chuck Yeager proves that there is no sound barrier affecting the speed of an aircraft, and the race for the moon soon follows.

Russia and the United States race to be the first into space.

The Supreme Court rules the Challenger transcripts are not for public use out of respect for family privacy.

Tuskegee Institute is a flight school that graduates African American pilots.

The medical report shows that some astronauts may have lived until the crew cabin hit the ocean.

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