Aviation & Space Exploration Chapters

From ancient to modern times, people have studied "the heavens" and wondered "what's out there?" Technology helps us to take a closer look. Meet the pioneers of space and aviation in this collection of stories.

KLM 4805 taxies down the runway directly toward Pan Am 1736, unaware of the risk the bad weather causes.

Russia sends an unmanned robot to the moon before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first human beings to walk on the moon.

KLM 4805 requests and starts the take-off process without clearance.

There were not enough planes and guns to defend the Philippines from the Japanese.

Boisjoly and colleagues continue to warn Morton Thiokol and NASA that an O-ring may fail if the temperature is too cold at launch time.

Abagnale pretends to be a Pan American pilot, then doctor, lawyer and finally a sociology professor.

Inspired by a toy helicopter powered by a rubber band, the Wright brothers figure out how to successfully fly.

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