Awesome Radio - Narrated Stories Chapters

Sometimes it's nice just to hear a story. Like the "golden age of radio," Awesome Stories features dramatizations of classics, narrated chapters of our own stories, radio interviews and radio plays. This collection benefits ESL, adult literacy and those who just want to close their eyes and listen to a good story!

Poe's gambling and borrowing leads to debt; left on his own, he leaves Virginia and returns to Boston as a literary critic.

After resisting arrest, Oswald is caught at the Texas Theater.

The Colombians find Pablo Escobar in 1993, then kill him.

District 12 is a poor, coal-mining district in former Appalachia.

Reasoning his way back to the Christian faith, C.S. Lewis still influences people and many pastors quote him today.

After service in WWI, Jack (C.S. Lewis) often discusses faith with his devout friend J.R.R. Tolkien; he finally concludes "God was God."

When founding Pennsylvania, Penn creates laws modeled on freedom.

Unable to read or write their language, the rights of peasants are not important and their struggles ignored.

African-American slaves are bought and sold like animals in the country's system of chattel slavery.

The survivors of Peshigo bury their dead and then rebuild their city.

By July and August of 1994, with the preconception win in their pockets, plaintiffs literally bombarded PG&E with six inches of motions to compel ...

The presence of hexavalent chromium (sometimes called "Chrome 6") in water turns the water bright yellow. This photo, by Cameron Hickey on behalf of t...

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