Awesome Radio - Narrated Stories Chapters

Sometimes it's nice just to hear a story. Like the "golden age of radio," Awesome Stories features dramatizations of classics, narrated chapters of our own stories, radio interviews and radio plays. This collection benefits ESL, adult literacy and those who just want to close their eyes and listen to a good story!

Blind in one eye, Red Pollard is a horse-racing jockey who is best-known for riding Seabiscuit to victories.

The Red Tail pilots begin to shoot down superior German bombers.

Nathan Leopold is truly sorry for his part in the crimes and is released on March 13, 1958.

A rescue team looks to find ships caught in the storm, but the storm makes the mission too dangerous for the rescuers. One of them dies and his body ...

Jesse's close friend, Robert Ford, shoots him in the head in his own house while his family is there.

Britons seek help from Angles, Saxons and Jutes to keep out invaders; before long, those helpers also become attacking invaders.

The secrecy around Area 51, a U.S. base in Nevada, makes it the focus ofconspiracy theoriesand a central part of UFO folklore.

Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, shoots and kills Oswald almost exactly 48 hours after the President's assassination.

An artist in his own right, Rudolf Abel used that profession, plus photography, as his cover in America. No one suspected that he was anything but wha...

Rudolf Abel, born in England and given the name Willy Fisher, became well-known as a Soviet spy when he was captured, in the US, during 1957.

Rudolf Abel's main contact, in the U.S., was a hard-drinking individual who was indiscrete about his activities. Abel rightly worried that he could be...

Illegally entering the US from Canada, with a passport belonging to a deceased person, Rudolf Abel begins his life as a spy in America and settles dow...

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