Awesome Radio - Narrated Stories Chapters

Sometimes it's nice just to hear a story. Like the "golden age of radio," Awesome Stories features dramatizations of classics, narrated chapters of our own stories, radio interviews and radio plays. This collection benefits ESL, adult literacy and those who just want to close their eyes and listen to a good story!

Abraham Zapruder, a local Dallas businessman who is watching President Kennedy's motorcade in Dallas, records the entire shooting.

The Barons remain steadfast in their beliefs about the Magna Carta, even though excommunication means they cannot participate in church services or ac...

As lawyers for both sides fought, the case grew. Eventually 648 plaintiffs joined the lawsuit. (That did not account for all the people who had lived ...

Mutsuhiro Watanabe (The Bird) is the worst Japanese guard; he makes life hard for Zamp at several camps. After the war, The Bird hides, begins a new l...

Civil war is coming to Ireland as violence divides the country. On May 3, 1921, the country is partitioned in two.

On July 16, 1945, the U.S. set off an atomic device as a test and then decides to use these weapons to bomb Japan.

Leopold and Loeb lure Bobby Franks into a rental car where Loeb allegedly kills the young boy with a chisel.

C.S. Lewis sets the Chronicles of Narnia in his beloved County Down, in Northern Ireland.

Baseball's first "Colored World Series" takes place in October of 1924. Why did this happen?

The natural-gas compressor station—owned by Pacific Gas & Electric at Hinkley, California—used hexavalent chromium which was discharge...

Many die in Ireland, but those who escape to America face many more hardships.

On the second floor of this rented house, Thomas Jefferson helps create the Declaration of Independence.

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