Awesome Radio - Narrated Stories Chapters

Sometimes it's nice just to hear a story. Like the "golden age of radio," Awesome Stories features dramatizations of classics, narrated chapters of our own stories, radio interviews and radio plays. This collection benefits ESL, adult literacy and those who just want to close their eyes and listen to a good story!

Upset with the taxes and conditions of the time, Wat Tyler leads peasants, into London where they kill many.

Jefferson believes the colonies should become free states.

Beulahs looks, a good story, publicity for her and Belva, and a young, male jury all play parts in her acquittal.

Dew is not only beautiful on a spider's web, it also provides the spider with essential drinking water.

When we use trees to make things, we produce waste and destroy habitats so we must conserve this natural resource.

German Otto Beyersdorff concludes within five weeks that the exterior paint on the Hindenburg caught fire. It takes 60 years for U.S. scientists to ag...

Description of cocaine's effect on the human body and brain.

Clarence Darrow is hired to represent the defendants, and he quickly withdraws the "Not Guilty" plea.

Within 34 seconds, the Hindenburg catches fire, remains level, but then bursts into flames and crashes. There are eyewitness reports, movies and photo...

King John continues to fight with the nobles until his death. Eight hundred years later the Magna Carta is still an important document.

The Magna Carta grants certain liberties to noblemen and, years later, becomes a basis for American rights and liberties.

Jim Crow Laws, named after a character in a minstrel show, become a synonym for legal segregation.

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