Awesome Radio - Narrated Stories Story Briefs

Sometimes it's nice just to hear a story. Like the "golden age of radio," Awesome Stories features dramatizations of classics, narrated chapters of our own stories, radio interviews and radio plays. This collection benefits ESL, adult literacy and those who just want to close their eyes and listen to a good story!

William Wordsworth, an English poet who served as Britain's Poet Laureate between 1843-1850, was greatly inspired by nature.

Celebrating her Sapphire Jubilee, on 6 Feb 2017, Queen Elizabeth II is Britain's longest-reigning monarch following the untimely death of her father.

As a pyroclastic flow races toward Pompeii, people in the town fear for their lives. Thousands of years later, when excavators begin to uncover what h...

Not long after she received her diary, as a birthday present, Anne Frank and her father took a walk together near their Amsterdam home.

Three days after Anne Frank told "Kitty" about an unsettling conversation with her father - that the Frank family may have to go into hiding somewhere...

Anne Frank, a Jewish girl living with her family in Amsterdam, was thirteen years old during the summer of 1942.  At the time, German forces were...

Seamus Heaney was long known as "Famous Seamus" in his homeland.

Diplodocus was a massive dinosaur which ate plants. It had a really long tail which served as a counter-balance to its really long neck.

Dylan Thomas was distraught, in 1951, as his father - David John Thomas - was gravely ill. It caused the son to write a poem about his father.

Not normally a writer of poetry - or anything else as a published author - Mary Elizabeth Frye (an American who lived in Baltimore) was moved by the s...

What is the real story behind Downton Abbey? As it happens ... lots of history. Step back in time to witness events in the 1920s, including the expedi...

Frankenstein - a student at the University of Ingolstadt (in Germany) - has worked hard for nearly two years on a major project. He has given everythi...

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