Awesome Radio - Narrated Stories Videos

Sometimes it's nice just to hear a story. Like the "golden age of radio," Awesome Stories features dramatizations of classics, narrated chapters of our own stories, radio interviews and radio plays. This collection benefits ESL, adult literacy and those who just want to close their eyes and listen to a good story!

In this segment of an interview between George Jung (on whom the movie Blow is based) and Ted Demme (the now-deceased director of that film), Jung dis...

In this segment of an interview between George Jung (on whom the movie Blow is based) and Ted Demme (the now-deceased director of that film), Jung dis...

In this segment of an interview between George Jung (on whom the movie Blow is based) and Ted Demme (the now-deceased director of that film), Jung tal...

In this segment of an interview between George Jung (on whom the movie Blow is based) and Ted Demme (the now-deceased director of that film), Jung dis...

Helen Keller first realized the meaning of words when her teacher (Annie Sullivan) spelled “water” (w-a-t-e-r) in her hand on the 5th of April, 18...

Landing in New Jersey, following a thunderstorm, one of Germany's airships - the Hindenburg - exploded on May 6, 1937.

Life in the Seam, an extremely poor area of District 12, has always been hard.

This clip, from Jackie Robinson: A Life Story, includes interviews with Jackie Robinson and features segments from his baseball-playing days.

Johnny Depp discuss his highly praised role as George Jung, in the movie Blow.

At a young age, Katniss Everdeen learned how to use a bow and arrow.

Hiding in his aunt's home, and repeatedly making phone calls to his son, Pablo Escobar misses his family. That loneliness is about to get him killed.

Mining coal is a difficult, dangerous job.

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