Censorship Chapters

When governments, or other institutions, want to control what people think and say, they censor what people write and speak. The stories in this collection are about various forms of censorship.

Disaster descended on Norway when the Nazis invaded, then occupied, the beautiful country for five years, beginning on April 9, 1940. This image depic...

Biking in Norway isn't exactly easy. In this image, maintained by the National Library of Norway, we see "4 unidentified men on bikes in Norway photog...

With Mary in England, Elizabeth's advisors worry about Catholic conspiracies; they dupe Mary into plotting with Anthony Babington to escape and perhap...

Sir Walter Raleigh serves Elizabeth until her death in March 1603; he is then beheaded for treason by her successor, King James I.

This chapter describes the dark part of Argentina's history known as the Dirty War

Even though he is only human, King James leaves a legacy with his King James Version of the Bible.

According to the Puritans, the pillory is fitting for anyone having the nerve to disregard societal rules.

Religious scribes and scholars produce many impressive books and manuscripts that reside at Oxford.

It is those who serve in our military who ultimately pay the price, whether the country supports them or not.

Gutenberg invents the printing press and changes the world, but his Bibles are also burned.

Anne Hutchinson is banished from Puritan society and joins Roger Williams near Providence Rhode Island.

Schenck is charged and found guilty of conspiring to cause disobedience in the military.

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