Censorship Chapters

When governments, or other institutions, want to control what people think and say, they censor what people write and speak. The stories in this collection are about various forms of censorship.

Since Bonhoeffer's death, German churches have had to explain why they did not speak out against Hitler.

The attention of Pope Pius IX, along with the splendor of Rome, sways Edgardo to stay.

War posters are intended to convince U.S. citizens that they cannot work hard-enough to help out the "boys overseas," so they must do more.

Colonial Puritans believe that the only right way is God's way, as they interpret the Biblical meaning of God's ways.

Here are links about Puritans, Quakers, Mary Dyer, and Anne Hutchinson.

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson both believe in a democratic society, with freedom to worship as one chooses.

Before 1995, no black players are members of the Springboks, South Africa's rugby team.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer continues to speak out against the German government. He helps smuggle Jews to Switzerland and joins a plot to kill Hitler.

With their increasing "legal" authority, Nazis began direct attacks against Jews on Kristallnacht, "the Night of Broken Glass." Engineered by Joseph G...

St. Petersburg, a city featured in Dostoevsky's works, becomes Russia's new capital city.

Nazis kill Bonhoeffer at Flossenburg concentration camp because he speaks against racial prejudice and is implicated in a plot against Hitler.

At Flossenburg, a Nazi concentration camp, everyone knew the words a soldier spoke to a condemned prisoner: Make ready and come with us. On Su...

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