Character Education Story Briefs

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

After the war, POWs who had been incarcerated in Japanese camps all told the same story about Mutsuhiro (Matsuhiro) Watanabe - whom prisoners called "...

The Trail of Tears, which describes a bleak period in U.S. history, occurred after the U.S. federal government forced Native Americans to leave their ...

Throughout the centuries, artists have created works of art depicting "The Odyssey," a tale which Homer created likely in the second half of the 8th C...

This travel pass - signed by Benedict Arnold on September 21st, 1780 - authorized Joshua Smith to carry private letters.

On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry gave a rousing speech. Dig a little deeper into his ''Liberty or Death'' to learn whether all those famous words were...

Paul Fussell saw action in Europe during World War II.

Margaret (Peggy) Shippen was nearly nineteen when she married Benedict Arnold.

William Penn's treaty with the Delaware, when he founded the Colony of Pennsylvania in 1681, helped to have peaceful relations between the Colonists a...

As North Vietnamese troops neared Saigon, many people attempted to flee the city by helicopter. Hubert van Es took an iconic photo of those events on ...

"Sully," starring Tom Hanks, depicts a miracle instead of a disaster when all people aboard Flight 1549 survive a water-landing in the Hudson.

Pope Urban II gave a speech at the Council of Clermont, in 1095, which ended-up being one of the most significant of the medieval era. He urged the pe...

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