Character Education Story Briefs

What better way for a youth to explore issues of character and to find their ethical center than through stories? Here is a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking stories to fuel that search.

One of the 99th's first missions was to participate in action over the island of Pantelleria, in the Mediterranean, when they escorted bombers during ...

Red Tails, a story about African-Americans who flew for their country during WWII, is a story about racial prejudice and how a group of brave men achi...

During the Battle of Saipan, members of the U.S. military rescue a dying infant.

Historians view Armand-Jean du Plessis, also known as Cardinal Richelieu, through differing eyes. To some he is a hero; to others he is a villain.

Bobby Kennedy delivered calming words which maintained the peace despite the tragic loss of MLK. He gave an emotional, extemporaneous speech in Indian...

During 1878, Robert Louis Stevenson took a long walk with a donkey in the south of France. His objective was two-fold: Try to forget about Fanny Osbor...

Image of a photograph depicting the statue of Robert the Bruce at Edinburgh Castle.

After Tituba—accused of being a witch in 1692—testified that she saw the names of other people in the “Devil’s book,” th...

Bill Genaust, the camera man who recorded the live footage of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, died in the fighting nine days later.

Sgt. Matt Eversmann is portrayed by Josh Hartnett in the movie Black Hawk Down. He is a hero from the Battle for Mogadishu.

Racism in America, during the days before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was even manifested in law-enforcement officials.

Silently marching down 5th Avenue, nearly 10,000 African-Americans protest discrimination and Jim-Crow laws on July 28, 1917. It is the first time tha...

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