Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

Concentration camp neighbors are forced to view the camps to prove that it happened.

Madiba, as Mandela is affectionately called, forms a close friendship with Pienaar which lasts until Mandela's death.

Apartheid, a system ofracial segregation in South Africa, ensures blacks cannot vote or travel freely in their own country.

Mandela believes thatarmed resistance-including violence- is the only way to endthe problems caused by apartheid.

In 1994, Mandela becomes South Africa's first black president through a democratic vote.

The words and quotes of Thomas Hobbs show why man feels he has the right to torture others.

African Americans and their allies demonstrate in the nation's capitol

Mary is convicted in a trial without access to lawyer or notes, then Elizabeth signs a death warrant.

When the Dyers return to Boston, anti-Quaker sentiment is strong.

When the Dyers return to Boston, anti-Quaker sentiment is strong.

Mary continues to protest and is hanged, but her death leads to reforms in the laws about religion.

Mary continues to protest and is hanged, but her death leads to reforms in the religious laws.

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