Civil Rights Chapters

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

Millions of Irish leave the country, hoping to find a better life elsewhere.

Wilberforce works to end the slave trade after trying to improve conditions for Britain's working poor.

While Princess Bernice Bishop is last member ofthe real Kamehameha dynasty, Matt King is the fictional heir.

It's May 4, 1970, and Ohio National Guardsmen open fire on students protesting the Vietnam War at Kent State, killing 4 unarmed students and wounding ...

A white man fatally shoots Medgar Evers because he works for the NAACP and is trying to gain equal rights for blacks.

Learn more about eleven of the Red Tail pilots.

Later testimony shows the horrific conditions on board the slave ships where many slaves died.

The US military segregates black troops from white troops.

Camp Minidoka is in southern Idaho and less well known than other internment camps.

When the Civil Warbegins in April of 1861, Jesse is too young to fight so he works the farm with the family's slaves.

Katniss Everdeen survives two Hunger Games; now the rebels demand a price for saving her life from the second. She becomes the Mockingjay, but what do...

African American citizens challenge segregated city buses

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