Civil Wars Chapters

When Americans disagreed on the power of individual states to control their respective governments and institutions, they fought a war, between themselves, during 1861 to 1865. Other countries have also fought "civil wars." These stories focus on those people, places and events.

After the Union wins the Civil War, the Southern States rejoin the union.

Raoul Wallenberg is working in Hungary when he learns that Eichmann is rounding-up Hungary's Jewish residents and sending them to death camps.

John Wilkes Booth, an actor, enters the Ford's Theater Presidential box welding his derringer and a knife.

Who was "Stonewall" Jackson, how did he get his nickname and why did he become so famous?

Learn about Robert E. Lee and the famous military leaders for the Confederate States of America.

Learn about Ulysses S. Grant and the other famous Union military leaders.

In 1869, the Union Pacific and Central Pacific finish their joint building of the Transcontinental Railroad which connects America's east and west coa...

Maps detail the loss of Hooker's Union troops at Chancellorsville.

Bodies of the Romanov family remain in a shallow grave until 1979, when they are found.

Because no one is sure what has happened to the Tsar's children, people begin to wonder whether some of the family members have survived.

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