Civil Wars Chapters

When Americans disagreed on the power of individual states to control their respective governments and institutions, they fought a war, between themselves, during 1861 to 1865. Other countries have also fought "civil wars." These stories focus on those people, places and events.

This chapter describes the dark part of Argentina's history known as the Dirty War

April 24, 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of Ireland's Easter Rising when the people of Ireland took definitive action to rid the country of British ...

The original Emancipation Proclamation resides at the National Archives; Lincoln's copy burns in the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871.

The Home Guard locates deserters to return them to war; deserters hide in caves they construct.

Once in New York, immigrants from famine-stricken Ireland form some of the most notorious gangs in Five Points.

Learn about the Civil-War-era soldiers, for the North and the South, through pictures from the National Archives.

The Great Famine of Ireland follows a set of "Penal Laws" governing the conduct of Irish Catholics.

Cold Mountain is a peak in Pisgah National Forest; people who live there during the Civil War sing in the Shape-Note tradition which continues today.

People are fascinated with the life and death of the Romanovs; there are many biographies available about Tsar Nicolas and his family.

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