Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Roger Boisjoly reports his thoughts after he watches the Challenger explosion.

The debris is foam insulation that possibly damages the Columbia's left wheel well.

Szpilman's last radio concert and the end of cultural life in Warsaw before the war occur at the same time.

The last recorded, publicly released words from the Challenger are "Uh-oh."

In 1907, the Lusitania is one of the fastest ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

At 8:46:40 EDT, Flight 11 strikes the North Tower between the 95th and 103rd floors killing all 103 people onboard.

Types of passengers on the Titanic with photos and descriptions.

Hardened volcanic ash freezes time to provide a historical record of life in Pompeii.

Immediately after San Francisco's 1906 earthquake, members of the US Army and Navy, plus local police and firefighters, fight the fires and help the q...

In a rare weather event, three separate weather systems are on a "perfectly" aligned collision course.

The Poor Laws, meant to help, only led to more landowners getting rid of tenants.

What is Late Potato Blight and how does it destroy the plant and its tubers?

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