Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Religious scribes and scholars produce many impressive books and manuscripts that reside at Oxford.

His family buries Kennedy's body in Arlington Cemetery, as a country grieves for the loss of their leader.

US soldiers expect the Black Hawk mission to take 45 minutes, but Somali rebels fight back and shoot down a helicopter.

After Somalia, US soldiers receive better training. See photos and stories about the soldiers who fought and died in Somalia.

The History of South Carolina continues

New technology allows exploration of the Titanic and other ships.

Read information about 8 more victims in the Virginia Tech Massacre.

The German naval ship, Wilhelm Gustloff, is full with civilians trying to escape the Soviet Army.

Space shuttles are reusable, and up to seven astronauts can fly aboard the orbiter. The crew can perform experiments and take photographs which show v...

A design flaw in America's Supersonic Transport Shuttle results in NASA's fatal 25th mission in 1986, as the shuttle explodes killing its crew.

During the brutal Russian winter, citizens turn to cannibalism to survive; however, the German troops are only mildly better off.

At 9:02:59 EDT, Flight 175 strikes the South Tower at about the 80th floor killing all 65 people onboard.

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