Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

After Columbus "discovers" some of the Caribbean islands, Spain claims them and the area becomes known as the "Spanish Main."

Survivors do the best they can to pitch tents, find food and water, and look out for the children.

The Towers fell 24 minutes apart, killing thousands of people, but others survive due to miracles or heroes.

The Supreme Court rules the Challenger transcripts are not for public use out of respect for family privacy.

Although it seems the storm is over, by the early morning of November 1 the weakening system once again becomes a tropical storm.

The medical report shows that some astronauts may have lived until the crew cabin hit the ocean.

The 8,000 victims of Galveston's Great Storm include orphans, nuns, patients and nurses. Bodies are hard to find, identify and bury.

The U.S. provides 5 million men to the war and begins an income tax to help pay for it. To encourage war support, the government uses propaganda poste...

Raoul Wallenberg is working in Hungary when he learns that Eichmann is rounding-up Hungary's Jewish residents and sending them to death camps.

SS Major General Stroop destroys the second-largest Jewish community in the world.

Ada lives her life for her brother Jamie.

Read a poem about people not involved in the massacre but who grieve with the rest of the world.

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