Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

The design of the ship and the supplies carried by the Titanic.

Meet the senior officers of Titanic's fatal voyage. What are their responsibilities?

Marconi's invention provides wireless messages to and from the Titanic.

Every month, PG&E sends 750,000 gallons of chrome 6 wastewater to the unlined ponds in Hinkley.

KLM 4805 taxies down the runway directly toward Pan Am 1736, unaware of the risk the bad weather causes.

Even as he lies wounded, the president tries to protect his assassin.

The Lusitania steers into the path of U-20 whose captain orders a torpedo attack. Although spotted by a Lusitania lookout, there isn't enough time to ...

Tortuga, located off the coast of Haiti, is home to buccaneers and a safe harbor for pirates.

Filthy trenches in WWI Europe are a perfect breeding ground for the Spanish Flu brought overseas by U.S. soldiers.

Read stories of America's response to September 11 from survivors and the families who lost loved ones.

Czolgosz may be insane, but his justice is swift, and he dies in the electric chair after confessing why he killed McKinley.

The settlement requires that PG&E stop using chromium 6, clean up the environment, and pay $333 million to the plaintiffs.

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